It'll be our secret

All characters represented in this story are over 18. These are real events but the names of the people have been changed for anonymity. The story is based in the UK so the age of drinking alcohol is 18. The story is all from Hannah's POV.

This is my first story and it is a slow burner so if you are looking for something quick this is not for you. Please leave feedback and constructive criticism.

Chapter 1

"Hannah, are you paying attention? Did you hear a single thing I just said!?"

Diana's voice went right through me and brought me back into the room, that loud, screechy, nails on a chalkboard voice.

"Yes, I heard you. Sorry, I was just.. thinking about.. the final showcase" Quick thinking from me, and a quick eye roll from Diana.

Honestly, why is it that as soon as you decide to pursue your passion people who never made it decide to take away your love for it?

I love art, well-loved art until I choose to take it up for college. These professors must get paid to make you hate it as much as you hate them!

Thankfully though this is just a one-year course, and as soon as Diana says goodbye, it's time for nonstop partying!

"Okay everyone that is us finished for the year, tickets for the final showcase are on sale tomorrow. Remember pieces need to be handed in by the end of next week to be counted! Have a good summer folks"

Finally! I don't have to hear her dreadful voice again. I'm not going to that showcase either, bullshit if you ask me. Teachers taking credit for work they had no hand in. Instead, my summer is going to be spent partying with Jenny! Speaking of, 3 new texts.

Jenny... Hey, when are you finished? A big crowd going to the party tonight.

Jenny... Hello?

Jenny... Hey dickhead don't ignore me otherwise I'm going to tell all the girls tonight that you have herpes!!

Jenny's my best friend, ever since I came out a few months back people are convinced we're sleeping together, guess that's what happens when you're the only 2 out and proud gays in a small village.

Jenny has a girlfriend though, not many people know, me on the other hand, I'm constantly used as a straight girl's experiment. I don't care though, I'm not wanting anything serious so works well for me!

Me... Sorry I was in my final lecture and Diana was breathing down my neck the whole time. I'll be at yours in 30 to get ready have a drink ready for me!

I'd like to say I don't party too much, but that would be a lie, I'm 19 after all, partying is still fresh for me, and Jenny is a bad influence, we party about 3 times a week, if we're not partying we're hanging out and trying to find a party, what else is there to do when you're young, unemployed and living at home with your parents!


"HEY HOE!" Oh god, Jenny is buzzed already, I've got some catching up to do.

"Hey yourself. Where's my drink? I was expecting speedy service?" I playfully raise my eyebrow.

"Oh, yeah, your drink. Well, I did make it but, I drank it. Oops. Go make your own this is practically your house anyway" She points towards the kitchen while trying her best to stand still. "Hurry your sexy ass in there and catch up, I told the guys we'll be there in half an hour"

"Fuck me, I still have to get ready, I'm a fucking mess! Right, I'm going to do a few shots then I'll get something on me. If I don't get laid tonight it's because you rushed me" I said jokingly. I honestly don't care about getting laid, I have more fun with the chase anyway.

"Good luck with that, apparently everyone going tonight is already all loved up." She rolls her eyes "Heard Steve is bringing his new girlfriend though, so maybe she'll bring you a chew toy" She lets out a giggle and winks at me.

"Sure we'll see, if not I'll just flirt with you all night, everyone already thinks we're fucking so might as well play along" I have no attraction to Jenny at all and vice versa, but we've always had a flirtatious friendship.

"I won't be flirting with you looking like that, I have a reputation to keep up! Now hurry up!"

Chapter 2

We arrived at the party a little after 8 pm, later than Jenny wanted to but there was no way on this earth I was going to a party sober and looking like I just rolled out of bed!

The party's around here usually had the same faces, again due to being such a small village, there are no clubs around either, all about 1 hour away so house parties are the norm around here. the weekend ones are always at Steve's house. Steve is my cousin, we're very close and always have been, he's more like a brother to me.

"Hannah! Woooooo!!!" I can hear Steve shouting from across the room. "Cuz! Cuz! Come here!!" I nudge Jenny to come over but she's too interested in going and finding herself another drink. I guess that's her disappearing for the night. Nothing new there.

"That's some welcome, what do you want?"

"Ouch, that's no way to speak to your favorite cousin. Where's Jenny I just saw her with you?" He looked like he doubted himself.

"Yeah you did, she's gone walkies, a bit too much to drink already, I expect we'll find her raiding your fridge soon for food" Steve lets out a laugh, he knows it's true. Jenny's a lightweight, always the first to pass out.

"The usual then! So I actually want you to meet my girlfriend, she's around here somewhere..." He starts scanning the room to find her "Oh I see her! Clare!! CLARE!!"

I look over in the direction he's shouting and that's when I saw her. She was wearing tight jeans clinging to the shape of her unbelievable legs, a floaty red shirt with a belt around it. Her cleavage was on show but still classy. Knee-high boots. The most amazing eyes I had ever seen and brunette hair down to her collarbone. She walks over directly to us.

"Hi, I'm Hannah, so you're the unlucky lady" I reach out my hand to shake hers and she looks at me as if I'm speaking another language.

"No you idiot, that's not Clare, this is Clare!" Steve gestures towards the other girl. I didn't even notice there was another one. I was blushing

"Oh shit sorry, hi Clare!" She was a little more, average should I say? She was pretty but not stunning, and she had one hell of a resting bitch face!

"Hi." She says in the most monotone way I've ever heard. I hate her already. "This is my friend Sophie" Sophie.. even her name makes me blush.

"Hi" She was looking at the ground. "Nice to meet you" She seemed so shy, I could tell already Clare had dragged her along, she didn't look at all interested to be here.

"Clare, let's go for a drink and a dance, Hannah can you keep Sophie company?" Steve's clearly just used me to dump Clare's friend on, but I'm not complaining. "And also, she's straight so none of your antics please" He laughs and gives me a wink before leaving.

"Sorry about that" My face must be bright red. "Do you want to get a drink?"


"What's your poison? Beer, wine, vodka?"

"Vodka I guess"

"No problem I'll be right back" Holy fuck. She may be a 10/10 but it's like getting blood from a stone. This is going to be a long night.


I and Sophie sat in silence for about 30 minutes, just people watching, every so often looking at our phones. It was extremely awkward. I'd had a couple of drinks, not quite drunk but not quite sober. Sophie was fairly drinking her vodka right and quick though. I just wish Steve would come back with his girlfriend and take her back.

"So." Sophie finally spoke. "Why did Steve tell you I'm straight?"

I took a drink of my drink again before answering "Well because I'm gay. He was just goofing around though" I turn to look at her eyes. They're glazed, probably from the drink but they got wider.

"Seriously? You're a lesbian? I've never met a lesbian before!" She seemed strangely excited "How long have you been gay for?"

"How long have you been straight?" I said in an annoyed tone. That question always pissed me off. As far as I can remember I've always been attracted to girls. I didn't just wake up one day and decide to be gay.

"I didn't mean it like that... I meant.. like.." She looked away, she looked like she was going to cry. Shit, I felt awful.

"Do you mean when did I come out?"

"Yeah.. like.. not when did you become gay.. but when did you tell people.. sorry... I didn't mean any harm" She was looking down at her drink now, god damn it, she looked adorable.

"Only a few months ago, but apparently everyone knew before then, they were just waiting on me officially saying it" It's true. I was a stereotypical lesbian. Short hair, hated wearing dresses and skirts, I preferred shirts and ties, interested in sports more than make-up. You could smell the lesbian off me! Some of my friends call me 'baby Shane' because of Shane from the L word. I guess it's a fair comparison look and dress sense-wise anyway. Personality and body shape are completely different!

"That's awesome! Well yeah as Steve said I'm straight so I'm sorry I'm not interested"

"What makes you think you would be my type anyway, a bit big-headed there..." I gave her a nudge and a flirty smile. She smiled back and blushed.

"Suppose that's true, what is your type?"

"I don't really have a type, it's more of the spark I need, the physical attraction's a plus, but unless there's that spark I'm not interested"

"That's cool I guess. I guess my types dickheads. I always go for the guys who treat me like shit." She downed the rest of her drink. "You want another?"

"Yeah sure," We walked towards the drinks in the kitchen.

"So as I was saying." She takes a shot. "Guys are dickheads, but I let them be." She takes another. "But not anymore. I'm done with that shit"

"Okay you, someone has quickly turned from saying nothing to saying a lot. Maybe you should slow down"

"Em.... no. You're not the boss of me" She says slurring her words a bit. "But let's sit again. I like talking to you" She grabs my hand and brings me back to the sofa to talk. Warmth building up between my legs at that one single touch.

"So recent breakup?"

"No not a break up we were never together. Just fucking. It wasn't even that good. Had to fake it" I spat out my drink.

"And that's why I love being a lesbian, no faking it" I laughed and Sophie laughed too.

"Maybe I should be a lesbian too, what do you think?" She swivels on the sofa and puts her head on the armrest her legs across me. "Do you think I'd make a good lesbian?"

"Nah, you're not smooth enough to be able to pull a girl" And here's where my 'antics' come into play. "You'd need to have more game" I smirk and raise my eyebrow.

"Excuse me? I am plenty smooth and I have plenty of game!" She sits up still with her legs across from me. "I could get any girl I wanted if I wanted" she grabs onto my arm to keep herself upright.

"Yeah right," I laugh while looking at her "Prove it" We're staring right into each others eyes now. My heart is going crazy and the heat between my legs is driving me mad.

"I..." she starts to get closer. "I... can't.." now I'm confused I thought that would work for sure "You're right. I'd be a shit lesbian." She lets go and takes her legs off me and shifts over. "I think I'm going to find Clare and go. But it was nice meeting you Hannah, I'll see you around"

Just like that she gets up and stumbles away. What the fuck just happened? I was convinced I had her. She was intrigued, and touchy, and flirting, and inches away from my lips. That was a sure thing. Maybe I've lost my touch? I don't know, time for me to find Jenny and go back to hers I guess.

Chapter 3

I looked everywhere for Jenny and couldn't find her. The party was dying down and there were very few people left, so if she was still here I would have found her by now. I went to the toilets to ring her to avoid the noise of the house.

"Hannah hi!" There was no background noise. Where the fuck was she?

"Jenny where are you? I've been looking all over for you and I can't find you?"

"Aww, I missed Bec so I rang her and she came and picked me up isn't she amazing?" Bec is Jenny's girlfriend.

"What the fuck Becca? I'm staying at yours tonight! You know my parents don't let me stay if I'm drinking!" My mother is a recovering alcoholic and my dads never touched a drink in his life, so it's more of a respect thing. They know I like to drink and they let me do my own thing.

"But Hannah!" She said in a cutesy voice "I wanted Bex snuggles, you stay at Steve's. I'll get Bex to get you tomorrow I promise"

"Fine whatever, you owe me one. Enjoy your cuddles if that's what you call it bye"

I freshened myself up in the bathroom and opened the door to go find Steve to tell him I'm staying. When I pulled the door open Sophie was there trying to get in, she fell in through the door and I caught her.

"You okay? Sorry I didn't know you were waiting"

"Yeah I'm fine, I must have been pushing it when you were pulling it" She looked way drunker than she was when I left her an hour ago. "Clare's staying tonight with Steve and some creepy boy keeps touching my ass so I was going to lock myself in here until he goes" she closed the door behind her.

"Well when you're wearing jeans like that I can't blame him for trying to grab it, your ass looks incredible" she laughed at that "Anyway I'll leave you be I'm going to find Steve and grab a bed" She's leaning up against the door, and before I could grab the knob to open it she turns the lock.

"Maybe you should hide out here with me" She grabs my arm and pulls me against her and whispers in my ear, "I think it'll be a lot more entertaining than what you can find out there" she nibbles at my earlobe. I'm fucked.

I pull back a bit so I can look into her eyes. They're dark with lust. I'm so close I can smell her perfume it's so sweet.

"For your own good, don't nibble at my ear" She gives a cheeky grin and licks her lips. She pulls me closer again, both my hands are above her head against the door and her hands are around my waist.

"I don't know if that's a threat or a promise Hannah? Am I doing something wrong?" Holy shit. I can feel how wet I'm getting and she's barely done anything.

"Soph. I'm giving you one last chance. Don't tease me, let me out of this room now" I can feel the hunger building up inside me, I look down and I can see her nipples are hard through her shirt. She pulls me in again to whisper.

"I thought I had no game, Hannah?" She bites my earlobe again and pulls back. Staring me right in the eyes with a sexy smirk as if to say 'I win'. I couldn't help myself.

I bring one hand down from above her head and grab the back of her neck. I slowly get closer to her lips and can hear her panting. I can feel her chest rise and fall quickly against mine. I pull her in as close as I can without our lips touching and can sense her hunger for my lips to touch hers. I whisper into her mouth "Two can play these games, Soph. Tell me how much you want me to kiss you"

Her breathing gets heavier "No"

"Tell me, Soph. Tell me or I'll leave right now" I make my way to her neck and gently nibble and kiss.

"Oh fuck Hannah" she moans and starts squeezing her fingers into my hips.

"Tell me how badly you want my lips on yours" I gently lick my way from her neck to her earlobe and bring my other hand down to caress her breast

"Oh, Hannah, please. Fuck.. please"

"Please what Sophie?"

"Just fucking kiss me already!"

With that, I still tease her by kissing back down her neck, across her chin, and up to her lips. I gently pull on her bottom lip with my teeth which causes her to let out a little moan.

"Hannah stop it, please! Please just fucking kiss me"

I do what she asks. I slowly start to kiss her while I still caress her breast. I move my hand on the back of her neck and run it up through her hair and grab it ever so slightly. The hunger I can feel in her kiss is turning me on so much. I kiss her deeper and again she lets out little moans into my mouth. Our tongues are intertwined, I can feel her getting hotter. Her hands are still around my waist but I feel her feeling around my belt. Looking for a way in.

I break our kiss and look at her. Her brown eyes are now even darker. Her breathing is short and fast. I was about to go in for another kiss when the door knocks. Fuck I forgot we were in the bathroom.

"One second!" I look at Sophie, scared that she's freaked out, but she's staring right at me.

"So, what bed are we sleeping in tonight?"

Chapter 4

I was so nervous. I'm never nervous. Snap out of it Hannah! You've done this plenty of times before and you'll do it plenty of times again. One night to show her what she's missing and then she'll go back to her boring old straight life. I'm quite surprised though, most straight girls I get with don't want it known that they've hooked up with a girl, but Sophie was grabbing at me and kissing me the whole way from the first-floor bathroom to the third-floor guest room and she wasn't shy about everyone who was still there seeing it.

When we got into the room I turned to lock the door and when I turned back around Sophie was standing watching me. She grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in and kissed me again. I pushed her back to the bed and we fell onto it together.

She shimmied up so I could get on top of her and wrapped her arms around my neck. She was looking into my eyes, and this time the lust looked almost like fear.

"This doesn't make me a lesbian you know," she says as if trying to convince herself more than me "You're just hot and I'm horny and I just need to feel something"

"I know, it's completely normal don't worry" I give her a gentle kiss "if you'd rather not do anything tell me to stop"

She thinks for a second and then pulls me in for a kiss again "No, I want this. I want you tonight. But on one condition?"


"It'll be our secret"


I go back in for another kiss, this time deeper and back to the feeling of hunger. I am so wet right now I think I'll cum within seconds. But tonight's not about me. It's about her.

I remove her belt from around her waist and take off her shirt to reveal her breasts. They're not too big and not too small, they're a perfect size. I start kissing down her neck again, I think I've found her weak spot because like before she let out a moan this time it was more intense. I lick a trail gently from her neck along her collar bone and down to her breasts. I take off her bra and gently start flicking her nipple with my tongue.

"Oh, my good Hannah!" She moans. I take her nipple into my mouth and he moans again. This time making me moan too. I can feel her grinding against my thigh, faster and faster. Harder and harder. Her hands reach down to my back scratching me. "Please you're teasing me. Stop teasing me. Oh god!!!" I start to kiss down her stomach to her jean line and kiss along her stomach. I give a gentle lick along her waist and start to unbutton her jeans. As I do I look up and she's looking down at me. The lust is gone. She looks unsure, scared, worried. I stop.r"


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