Sameena Does Dares Pt. 03

'Oh, yeah. What a mystery,' Sam replied. 'Must be your bubbly personality.'

'Must be. Right, that's enough stalling. Dare time!'

Sam felt a knot in her stomach -- a rush of adrenaline passing through. By now, the conflicting feelings of nervousness and excitement were even more familiar than Lucy herself. She had known them longer, after all.

'Come on, then. Let's hear it.'

'There's two parts to this one. First, simply order us a noodle box each. I'm not a fussy eater so I'll let you pick.'

'Uh-huh. Why do I get the impression that I should keep away from the spicier choices?'

'Ooh, You're smarter than you look. Not that it's hard.'

'Ha. Funny. You're not really in a position to talk about appearances right now,' Sam replied, chuckling as she looked Lucy up and down. Lucy's dress had only barely covered her underwear when they'd set out, but with the added weight of milkshake, the sagging gusset hung just below the hem of her dress. Better yet, depending on your perspective, it was still dribbling its contents down the inside of Lucy's right leg.

'Okay, okay. Fair point, but are you going to keep laughing at me or are you going to get on with your dare?'

'Oh, I can do both. Be right back.'

Sameena had a decent idea of what Lucy was going to make her do, so she tried to keep it in mind while ordering. If she was going to end up with noodles in her knickers, the last thing she wanted was for them to be spicy, so the picante box was right out. No seafood either. She almost shuddered at the thought. They were guaranteed to be slippery with grease, but prawns down there? No thanks.

'Can I have two vegi boxes, please' she asked the girl on the till, barely even noticing her as she turned to have another glance at her friend. Lucy gave her a playful wave, her other hand furtively readjusting her milkshake-soaked knickers.

'It'll just be a couple of minutes,' the woman replied.

'Oh, no rush,' Sam said with a knowing grin. She caught Lucy's eye and tapped her wrist where a watch would have been, mouthing a deeply sarcastic sorry.

Even from a distance, Sam could see a familiar expression on Lucy's face -- giddiness mixed with trepidation. She was feeling much the same way, waiting for her own fate to be delivered up in an oily cardboard box.

'There you go,' the server said a moment later. 'Eight pounds, please.'

Sam paid, all the while thinking about what she was really paying for. She didn't expect to be eating many, if any, noodles. Looking at them, she figured her stomach might thank her for that.

'Here you go,' she said, sliding a box of noodles across the nearest table to Lucy, who was still standing up, despite every seat in the place, bar one, being free. 'We not stopping?'

'Oh, we're stopping for a moment. I just didn't feel like sitting down,' Lucy replied.

'No? I can't imagine why.'

'You're about to find out for yourself, in a way.'

'Come on, then,' Sam said resignedly. 'Where are they going?'


'Keen to get it over with.'

'Sure. Well, originally I was going to have you put them both in your knickers, but that thong doesn't look like it will hold much. Besides, it's already got a job on trying to contain that.'

Sam raised her eyebrows, trying to look unmoved, but even as she did it, she knew it was unconvincing. 'So?'

'So, a compromise. One in your thong, whatever gets out gets out; the other one in that pretty bra. Admittedly, that also seems to be struggling, but I'm willing to give it a chance.'

'Oh, you'd love to give these a chance,' Sam said, cupping her cleavage and lifting it.

'What does that even mean?' Lucy asked, laughing.

'I don't know,' Sam replied, catching a dose of her friend's infectious laughter.

'Anyway, now who's stalling? Come on, girl, give us a show.'

Sam took a quick look around the shop, hoping nobody was paying them any mind, and so it proved. It was too early for the food court to be really busy and she doubted this was a hotspot at the best of times. Accidentally catching the eye of the bored-looking girl on the till didn't help, though. Sam flashed her a smile and looked away, lifting the first of the two noodle boxes.

'Come on, come on,' Lucy said. 'Get on with it.'

'Alright, keep your knickers on. Wouldn't want that milkshake to go to waste, after all.'

Both women laughed again, but Sam's laughter turned towards hysterical as she unfastened the box and held it to her chest. She was in the middle of working her way up to doing the deed when a couple of strands of greasy pasta escaped. 'Oh, my God,' she squealed. They didn't even manage to catch in the cup of her bra, just slithered down over the curve of her breast and into blouse. Still, the slimy, tickling sensation was enough to get another giggle out of her.

'Plenty more where that came from,' Lucy said encouragingly. 'Just don't miss the targets next time. They're plenty big enough.'

Without another word, Sam held the front of her bra an inch away from her chest, bit her bottom lip, and tipped the box. Slightly more than half of the noodles cascaded into the space between her breast and her bra, bringing with them a broccoli floret, a sliver of carrot, several bean sprouts and a couple of slices of mushroom. It was a lot to take it, with so many different textures competing for Sam's attention, to say nothing of the overall greasiness of the oil and sauce-soaked noodles themselves.

'That, was, uh...' she trailed off, mouth opening and closing several times before she gave up trying to finish the thought.

'I can imagine,' Lucy said unhelpfully. 'And that's only half of half of it.'

Suddenly Sameena found herself thinking about how it was going to feel when she had to dump the other box into her underwear, where things were a little more sensitive. Before that, though, she knew the other half of this box had to go in the other half of her bra.

'Right,' she said, and let her bra cup snap back into place, displacing a few stray bits of noodle and veg that didn't fit into the bra with her breast back where it belonged. She held the other cup open and poured the remaining food into it. More noodles slid from the box, more vegetables too, including an oil-soaked hunk of bamboo.

Sam was prepared for the sensation this time, but couldn't fully suppress a little cringing shiver at the feeling of all that slimy food brushing against her nipple. She took a quick glimpse at the devastation before letting her bra fall back into place for good, noting how shiny her breasts looked. But it was all about the physical sensation for Sam, and she didn't even try to resist the urge to give her chest a surreptitious little shimmy. The way the tangle of noodles and vegetables shifted alongside her breasts was delightfully slippery and she didn't care a jot that Lucy had seen it.

'Sameena,' she said, a look of faux shock on her face. 'I'm appalled. Are you actually enjoying this?'

'Hating every second,' Sam lied. 'I'm absolutely dreading the next part. All those

slippery noodles rubbing against me? What could be worse?'

Lucy laughed as she spoke. 'Best get it over with then, eh?'

'I can't wait,' Sam replied. 'To get it over with, I mean.'


'Right. Here goes, then.' This part was more awkward than the first. Not just because the previous target area was bigger, but because this one was more difficult to access in the first place without being completely obvious about it. Sam found herself extremely glad the place was so empty, but still felt very seen as she pulled the front of her skirt up over her hips again. With that done, she pulled her thong open, knowing it wouldn't contain even half of the food, but pouring anyway. Sure enough, noodles and vegetables tumbled into the material, dousing it in oil and sauce, but mostly falling onto the ground at Sam's feet.

The sound of them slapping against the tiled floor had an unanticipated effect. Suddenly, Sam became aware of the fact that she was drawing attention to herself, despite her best efforts to be stealthy. She glanced anxiously around the room but continued to pour, determined to see the dare through, even as she inadvertently caught the eye of the sole member of staff again. This time, though, Sam felt her cheeks flushing as she knew without doubt that she had an audience for her depravity.

The exchange was over in an instant, but the look on the other woman's face said it all -- what the fuck? Sam tugged her thong back into place, pressing less than a quarter of the box's contents against her arse and pussy, but enough for her to feel it, and turned to leave. 'Come on,' she said. 'Time to go.'

'Why the rush? Oh.' Lucy leaned to look past Sam, and saw the staff member heading towards the pair.

'What the fuck are you two doing?' she asked, understandably irate. When neither Sameena or Lucy could think of a sensible answer, she continued. 'Forget it, I don't want to know. I hope you're going to clean that up, though.

'Lucy, I dare you to, uh, clean that up with your bare hands. And, um, put it in your shoes.' Sam beamed proudly at her ability to improvise.

The grouchy employee looked nonplussed but Lucy was completely taken off guard. 'Fuck, Sam. Fine. We've got you covered,' she said to the interloper. 'Don't worry about it.'

'Whatever. As long as it's gone before you are,' she replied, trudging back to the counter.

'Bit of an easy one, all things considered,' Lucy said, once the other woman was out of earshot.

'Yeah, well, I had to think on my feet,' Sam replied. 'Besides, that was genuinely humiliating.'

'I know. I wasn't even sure if Asian people could blush, but just look at you.'

'Shut up,' Sam said jokingly. 'God, you should try this, though, I don't know how I'm going to think straight with all these noodles wriggling around every time I move.'

'I'm about to.' Lucy was squatting over the noodles now, shoes off.

'Sort of.'

Lucy didn't reply to that. She was busy scooping up handfuls of the spilled stuff into her white heels, wincing at the feeling of the noodles against her hands -- or at the dark patches of oil spreading over the inside of those shoes.

'I just thought of something else,' Sam said.

'Oh, good. Go on.'

'Well, where those noodles have been. I don't want to make you feel even more awkward, but think about where they've come from. What you're touching.'

'Sam, for fuck's sake,' Lucy said with a hearty laugh. 'Now that you mention it, they couldn't be this slimy on their own.'

'Cheeky bitch. Well enjoy them. That's the closest you're getting to the real thing.'

'So, what, you're saying I should eat them instead?'

The mood changed then, just for a split second. Neither woman had a quick comeback or a witty retort for a moment. Neither of them knew what to say, as if all the layers of playful banter had been washed away and left behind nothing but unspoken feelings. It was a difficult thing to confront, a very uncertain thing, and so they did what anyone would do in such circumstances: they ignored it entirely. Still, for a heart-stopping couple of seconds, they had stared at each other, searching for something.

'Probably not very hygienic,' Sam said, breaking the awkward silence in typically jovial fashion. 'They've been on the floor.'

'Bit past the five second rule,' Lucy answered, perhaps alluding to the awkward, wonderful moment they had shared.

'Shoes it is, then. But hurry up. I think she'd like to see the back of us.'

'Everyone likes to see the back of you Sam.' Lucy was evidently past it now, too, or at least doing a good enough job of pretending.



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