I'll Always Catch You Pt. 01
Dear readers. This is the most complex story I've ever done. It's over 60K words long. That being said, no volunteer editor would touch a story of such length. So, I'm sure there are typos and missed used words. Try to keep the pissing and moaning to reasonable levels. Also, please don't steal and republish on another site after all it is copyrighted. Please enjoy 'I'll always catch you.' The rain sizzled on the hot asphalt, and as quickly as the clouds opened up, it was over. I watched steam as it rose from the streets to form thin white clouds that drifted upwards over the skyline of downtown Cleveland Ohio. That was all we needed, more humidity. The air was already so thick you could squeeze water out of it with your bare hands. "Hey, boss? You wanna look at this?" That's me. I'm the boss. My name is Jim Beck. I own a company that does computer coding, which is a fancy way of saying we write software. Right now, we're up to our eye...